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Nicholas Cook
Nicholas Cook

The Coral The Coral 2002 Rar !FULL!

Served for 25 years in the Australian Regular Army, including active service in South Vietnam; joined SDSC in 1990; Editor of the Army History Series (1994 to 2012); Head of the Australian Army's Land Warfare Studies Centre (1998 to 2002); adviser to TV programs. In 2015 he was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia. He was awarded the UK Intelligence Book of the Year Prize for 2015, and was the joint winner of the 2015 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Australian History for his book The Spy Catchers: The Official History of ASIO, 1949-1963

the coral the coral 2002 rar

East Timor 1999 INTERFET/East Timor On 22 September 1999, 3RAR deployed as part of the INTERFET group to East Timor. This was preceded by an initial deployment of the B Coy group from Sydney to Darwin as part of Operation Spitfire. B Coy remained within Australia but deployed with the remainder of the battalion group, to East Timor, on Operation Warden. 3RAR remained in East Timor until March 2000 and its sub-units operated in all locations of the force, initially in Dili, in the Bobonaro District and finally into the Oecussi Enclave. Following the battalion's return to Australia in April 2000, the unit again found itself in a training and readiness role. In August/September the battalion participated in the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games as part of Operation Gold. In November 2000, 3RAR participated in Ex SWIFT CANOPY, a PBG parachute exercise under the command of HQ 3 BDE. Throughout 2001 the battalion participated in further parachute exercises, deployed a Rifle Company to Butterworth, Malaysia, and assisted in the security provisions for CHOGM held in Brisbane. It was also warned for a return deployment to East Timor. 3 RAR returned to East Timor in April 2002, as the Australian Battalion (Group) Six (AUSBATTVI), on Operations TANAGER and CITADEL. It witnessed the declaration of Independence of East Timor on 20 May 2002 and provided security overwatch along the Tactical Control Line until handing over to 5/7 RAR (AUSBATTVII) in Oct 02. In July 2002 the battalion officially came under-command of HQ 3BDE as part of the Ready Deployment Force.

(a) Structure of the TR/RXR LBD heterodimer is shown as ribbon with T3 as space filled. TR is coloured green, and the bound SRC-2 peptide is coloured blue and only binds to T3TR. RXR is coloured light blue, with the dimer interface coloured coral and helix 12 coloured purple. There is no bound ligand in RXR, and RXR helix 12 adopts an inactive conformation positioned into the AF-2 co-activator-binding surface. (b) TR is superimposed on the RXR LBD homodimer (PDB 1MVC), showing conservation of domain structure. Structures are coloured as in a. (c) Same as b, except dimers are superimposed via the RXR protomer, rather than TR to RXR, illustrating the shift in the TR dimer interface relative to the other RXR promoter in the RXR homodimer. The magenta circle highlights the only region that superimposes similarly between TR and RXR, the amino-terminal end of TRβ helix 11.

(a) The TRβT3SRC-2/apo-RXRα structure (green and coral) superimposed with the active conformation RXR homodimer (PDB 1MVC) via RXR and shown in grey. RXR residues in helix 11 (L425, R426) and helix 5 (W305, E307) are part of a network of co-evolved amino acids identified using a statistical coupling analysis (SCA). (b) The SCA network amino acids shown as space filled on the TRβT3SRC-2/apo-RXRα heterodimer link the dimer interface, ligand-binding pocket and AF-2 co-activator-binding site. (c) Active conformation RXR homodimer (PDB 1MVC) superimposed with RXR from the TRβT3SRC-2/apo-RXRα heterodimer. Shown are helix 3 and helix 4 of the AF-2 surface, and W305 in helix 5. The rotation of helix 5 induces an altered conformation of the AF-2 surface via the SCA network amino acids. (d) Regions in RXR that are protected from HDX on heterodimerizaton with TR.

(a) NMR chemical shift perturbations in PPARγ on heterodimerization with RXRα mapped onto the structure of the PPARγ LBD (PDB 2PRG). (b) LXR homodimer (PDB 3IPU) coloured grey and superimposed with the LXR promoter from the LXR/RXR heterodimer (PDB 1UHL) coloured green and coral, respectively, shows that RXR induces rotation of LXR helix 11. (c) The RXR-induced shift in LXR helix 11 (PDB 1UHL) induces a rotation of LXR helix 5 relative to the LXR homodimer (PDB 3IPU), allowing W443 in helix 12 to adopt an alternative conformation with greater van der Waals contacts and increased buried surface area. 350c69d7ab




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